Do You Know??
|I have maintain here some truth that you might be known, Keep in these thing on you mind, that will be very interesting.
- 95% people in the world are pouring water after adding the paste on toothbrush.
- As less you sleep as much you happy, because people often sleep more if they are unhappy or sad.
- People feel the velocity of your girlfriend will be 7 times less than yours and the same velocity will be fast if you have a boy.
- If you see someone in the dream frequently, it means you remember him/her more.
- Bathing with beer will make your skin soft.
- One bamboo tree grows 3 feet within 24 hr.
- In our solar system all planet round Anti-Clockwise but Sukra planet round clockwise.
- If you have less sleep than your needs will divert your desire to drink, smoke, or sex.
- Our bones are 5 times stronger than metal of steel.
- Dream clam the worse thinking and remembrance.