Do you believe?? आखा र कान सद्दे हुनुपर्छ, अचम्मको कुराहरु देखिन्छ र सुनिन्छ |
|You must have the eyes and ears then you are listen and seen the things that you won’t believe in your life. Now I am discussing the things like that. Many people in the world really exist but we fill hard to believe.
The man having 0% fat
The girl named Michelle Kobke recorded as a smallest waist in the world. She is 24 years and belongs from Germany. She has been tried for wearing corsets fro 3 years but she permanently alter her body shape.
The woman with large legs
Her name is Mandy Sellars and she belongs from Uk has recorded her legs as extremely large. It is the disease called proteus syndrome. This disease result for the develop of the skin and bones to deform and thicken. It is very reare case and found 120 people world wide
Tumor on faceHis name is Jose Mestre and blongs from Portugal, Lisbon. He is just 14 years. And his face is covered with large. For some years his tumor grew around 5kg weight. This makes him very difficult to eat, sleep and breathe. Due to this his one eye is blind. But now his tumor was removed completely from his face.
Extra pair of arms and legs
His name is Rudy Santosh . He is 70 years belongs from Philippines. He suffered from parasitic twin. He recorded as the oldest person of that disease. He has extra pair of arms and leg on his abdomen. It is due to his twin was absorbed into his body during pregnancy. It has also extra pair of nipples and head ear and hair. He became popular at the freak show and he has named as the Octoman. But latter he wasran vanishe
Dirtiest human
A man recorded as a dirtiest human. He belong from Iran named Amoo Hadji. He is 80 years old and not get bath for 60 years. He lives alone, with dirty surrounding.